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Why student fail in the exam??

     Causes of Student's Failure in Examination

Many students fail in different public examinations every year. There are
many causes of students' failure. The main cause is lack of students' interest
in some subjects. Students do not enjoy learning and the system cannot
make learning interesting. The major motivation is to pass and get a good
grade, but beyond that, they do not seem interested in learning things for
their relevance in life. Students' motivation to learning is very poor.
Another important reason for students' failure is that the content students
are required to deal with does not seem to have any relevance for their
practical and professional life. Third important reason for failure of
students is that they study seasonally before the exams and neglect their
studies throughout the year. Moreover, teachers in the country are not
skilled enough to motivate the students and make their learning an
interesting experience. A well planned education that actively considers
students' age and interests and designs meaningful, need-based
curriculum, develops meaningful interesting textbooks and materials for
learners, with skilled teachers can improve the situation significantly.

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